
 The main supporter of the sale of Russian America was the younger brother of Alexander II, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. The general state of finances in Russia, despite the reforms carried out in the country, was deteriorating, and the treasury needed foreign money.

Negotiations to acquire Alaska from Russia began under President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) at the urging of Secretary of State William Seward. In December 1866, at a special meeting in the ceremonial hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, held with the participation of Emperor Alexander II, Grand Duke Constantine, Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Gorchakov, Minister of Finance Mikhail Reitern, Governor of the Naval Ministry Nikolai Krabbe and envoy to Washington, Edward Stekl, was a decision was made to sell Russian holdings in North America. On March 30, 1867, an agreement was signed on the sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States of America for $ 7.2 million (11 million royal rubles).


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