
The United States and Mexico released a joint declaration in June 2019 to address the shared challenges of irregular migration. In this declaration, Mexico committed to increasing enforcement to curb irregular migration, supporting the U.S. expansion of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) across the U.S. southern border, and offering jobs, healthcare, and education to migrants returned pursuant to MPP. From June 2019 to

May 2020, Mexico apprehended 145,682 migrants, contributing to a significant decrease in irregular migrant arrivals to the United States.

The United States and Mexico recognize the strong links between promoting development and economic growth in southern Mexico and the success of promoting prosperity, good governance, and security in Central America. The United States and Mexico welcome the Comprehensive Development Plan launched by Mexico in concert with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to promote these goals. The United States and Mexico will engage with regional and international partners to build a more prosperous and secure Central America to address the underlying causes of migration, so that citizens of the region can build better lives for themselves and their families at home


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